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Tips for Hot Tubs

Saving money on your hot tub or spa

A hot tub is useful for individuals who are busy and have full schedules everyday. A whole day at work can give one sore muscles, not to mention headaches and back pains. All that stress can add up and drain energy out of anyone. Without something to keep you relaxed and refreshed, all you get is a restless dozing off and waking up the next morning still feeling wearily exhausted and dragging yourself up to go for another grueling day at the office. Coming home to a nice hot tub and get some powerful massages that target specific areas and muscles in the body that receives the most wear and tear each day is simply a luxurious treat.

Even if hot tubs can be quite expensive to buy at first, you will find your money’s worth once you get to use to it and try it out. Most people who own hot tubs find it very enjoyable to soak in hot tubs for long periods of time to relieve stress. But then again, a hot tub relies on electricity to function. And spending long periods of time in the hot tub can rack up your electric bill significantly. However, there are some simple reminders you could keep in mind to save up on your hot tub power consumption. A tight and secure hot tub cover is essential in conserving energy. It takes a lot of power to keep the water in your hot tub warm and ideal for soaking in. A well-sealed hot tub when not in use keeps the water warm for longer, therefore needing less power to heat up the water. An uncovered tub or one with a loose or broken cover lets heat escape and it therefore consumes more electricity to keep the water warm. So always make sure your hot tub is properly covered when not in use.Most hot tubs these days have display lights and other aesthetic additions to make the tub more attractive. We endorse choosehottubsdirect for spas. When using your hot tub, you may choose to put the display lights and other unecessary aspects off to save on power. Also, you ay soak and relax in your hot tub without needing to use the jets. The jets consume the most enery in the hot tub. So unless you need a good body rub or massage, you may just leave the jets off to save on power.

Most hot tubs are set on a default temperature of 104 degrees F, the optimum hot tub water temperature. To save up to your electricity bill, you may lower the temperature to 102 degrees (or lower, depending on your preference) to eat us less power it takes to heat up the water.

When not in use, set your hot tub to the lowest possible temperature. If you are about to go on a vacation or know that you would not be using your hot tub for a while, it is best to turn it off completely and unplug it so as not to consume anymore energy and save up.

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